Home Working Paper Apples and Oranges: Meta-analysis as a Research Method within the Realm of IT-related Organizational Innovation
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Apples and Oranges: Meta-analysis as a Research Method within the Realm of IT-related Organizational Innovation

Ryoji Ito
 Doctoral Candidate at Graduate School of Commerce Waseda University


The purpose of this paper is to examine the applicability of meta-analysis to IT-related organizational innovation studies. The use of meta-analysis has been limited in IT-related organizational innovation studies (e.g., Damanpour, 1991). The reasons for the lack of use of meta-analysis in this field lie in the difficulty in comparing empirical results across the past studies because various empirical measures have been used for the same theoretical construct. The organization of this paper is as follows: First, to introduce the concepts of the apples and oranges problem in question; second, to explain the existing methods in meta-analysis to solve this problem; and finally, to critically examine Fichman (2001)’s approach that goes for resolving the apples and oranges problem in IT-related organizational innovation studies.




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